Monday, November 16, 2009

a little disturbing...

we went last night to the restaurant to celebrate mom being home and olivia's birthday, belated. she wanted fish and chips. (yuck, all that fried food!) there was a lobster special going on. i love lobster i don't need all the butter, i like the taste of lobster. everything was going well until olivia asked how you kill a lobster to cook it. and i bluntly told her you either throw it in a pot of boiling water or you put a knife between its eyes and plunge the knife in to kill it. nonchalantly, as if it were everyday conversation. "here honey, let me tell you how you murder a living creature." i came home and made myself sick. that's another issue, we'll deal with that later.

today? mindlessly eating one chocolate chip cookie after another. i need to get healthy. i need to get all the animal crap out of my system. i am going to have a lot of resistance in this house. i don't know how to go about it. i'm going to get out all my veggie cookbooks and work. i mean WORK. i need to get active, too. i have to get rid of all the excuses. there are no reasons, just excuses. i need to get the family on board. we have to sit down and work on this plan. wish me luck, it's got to happen.