Wednesday, November 7, 2012

election night avoidance

okay, we caved.  i had an assessment for physical therapy today, and the whole fam went with.  little one was out of school for a staff development day.  so my appointment ran late, we were hungry and little one wanted ramen.  okay.  we can get ramen.  it's not that expensive, we know the staff, it's good quality, but there's that pork thing again.  i'm never going to get that pig off my back.  she and i split a bowl, she had some rice, hubby had his usual.  lots of giggles, we were sated.

and then we caved again.  we couldn't get on the expressway to go home, it was moving at a snails pace.  side streets it was.  and one just happened to take us past the restaurant that hubby works at.  dessert, anyone?  why not?  we get a decent discount.  and it's pumpkin season, need i say more?  gelato for little one, upside down apple pie a la mode for hubby and pumpkin cheesecake (to die for!) for me.  and a decade cappuccino.  i know, why bother?  take all the fun out of it without the caffeine.  but i want to sleep at some point!

restaurants don't figure into the SNAP challenge.  i'm trying to figure out if we should have a penalty for going out and off the program, that we pay back to ourselves.  we found a way to waste a few more hours, came home and got little one to bed.  hubby and i made musubi for her lunches.  yes, i give my kid spam.  very rarely.  it's a hawaiian thing, and she loves it.  she has it maybe once every three months, so i don't feel too guilty about it.  i made her favorite croissants.  i par cooked a batch of kidney beans that i'll finish tomorrow for red beans and rice.  we have to pick up sausage for that, but everything else is in the house.  i don't think we're doing too badly.  little one is going through a growth spurt, her appetite is off the charts!  she just confessed that she doesn't like tuna salad sandwiches (with the exception of subway's) in her lunch.  so cue the musubi.  and now we have to figure out a lot of things to start putting in her lunch.  she can't take mac and cheese every day.  i guess i'll have to whip up a batch of chicken noodle soup and sees if that works.  she can be so picky!  but the good thing is she won't eat her "treat" if she doesn't eat the main part of her lunch.  we've taught her well.

so we avoided most of the election nonsense.  we came home just in time to see President Obama declared the winner.  and little one gave us a smile in her sleep when daddy told her.  she likes President Obama.  she thinks it's pretty cool that we have a president that's mixed race, just as she is.  she feels a special bond, my girl does.  so this day is history.  we voted.  and i'm glad that as many people voted as did.  we still need to get more politically active in this country.  and i still need to quit pork.  let's hope it doesn't take another four years.

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