Saturday, November 3, 2012

whatcha got?

today is inventory day.  we're clearing out cabinets and taking stock of what we have.  we think that having our seven year old help us with the inventory is a good way to get her involved and enthusiastic.  right now she's fearful that we're going to starve.  no, that's not the case.  i'm just determined to make every penny count.

so this morning hubby is making a big batch of pancakes for breakfast.  they don't cost much to make.  the extras go in the freezer for weekday toaster pancakes.  we're also learning how to set up a budget for this project, what is and isn't included (lucky pups and kitties, they're excluded!)  luxury items?  not going to be that many purchased, i can tell you that.  we're getting back to basic, and trying to live as simply as possible.

so it's count, organize and toss day.  lots of work to be done.  i'm still looking for recipes, so if anyone wants to volunteer any, please do.  no processed food.  this week we're trying to get all the processed food that remains out of t he house.  that's  bigger challenge than you can imagine!

so it's a short post today, because i have to get busy.  feel free to drop us a line, if you have a suggestion, a comment or you just want to encourage my family.  we'd love to hear from you.  thanks!

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